Olá! My name is Thaís and I am a Brazilian illustrator and mixed-media artist living in a green city in the heart of Germany. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with multiple publishers, animation studios, and non-profit organizations, illustrating everything from children's books to e-learning training courses for the United Nations Training Center.
I hold a B.A. in Fine Arts and an M.F.A. in Media and Design, and my strong background in traditional art is always reflected in my work and way of thinking. I particularly love illustrating spooky stories, folktales, adventures across whimsical worlds, and exuberant nature! For me, the creative process is all about experimentation, and I believe my work constantly evolves alongside my discoveries, attempts, and studies.
To contact me, send an email to thais(at)thaismesquita.art
and I will get back to you very soon!

For children's books, I am represented by Jemiscoe Chambers-Black at Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
Please contact her directly at: jemiscoe(at)andreabrownlit.com

For editorial and educational inquiries, I am represented by Christina Barratt at Beehive Illustration.
Please contact her directly at: christina(at)beehiveillustration.co.uk

Please note that, at this time, I am closed to personal commissions and self-published projects.